Los Angeles Public Records

Public record search resources for Los Angeles, CA including, people search, background check and criminal records. Are you trying to start a business with someone, a new date, a new neighbor? You can find out more about anyone, a background check or past addresses. If you are thinking about using a contractor or doing business with anyone you can find not only background checks but professional licenses, including medical license, state bar registration for lawyers or contractor licenses. You can locate people by searching public records.

Also explore all other city resources for your needs to contact city resources and conduct business with city of Los Angeles.

California Public Record Resources

  • Construction Permits
  • Building and Safety -- Building Permits (Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing)
    Permits for new construction, remodel alteration or repair for buildings.
  • Construction (B) Permits
    A "B" Permit (LAMC 62.106.b) is issued for extensive public works improvements including the widening of streets and alleys, the changing of existing street grade and construction of bridges.
  • E Permits
    An "E" Permit (LAMC 6.2) is issued for jobs in or adjacent to public streets for the purposes of the street light relocation, shoring (lateral support), monitoring well, soilboring, private conduits (non-franchise), and others.
  • Excavation Permits
    Construction projects which will require public Right-of-Ways to be trenched or excavated must obtain an excavation permit. Electrolier and pull box relocations, monitoring wells, soil borings, potholes drilling in public Right-of-Ways also need to obtain an excavation permit. Information about the location of underground utilities, as well as construction standards, are obtained at the District Office permit counter. Additionally, excavation and shoring plans are approved and permits needed to commence work immediately adjacent to public Right-of-Ways. In some cases special insurance or bonds be required to be posted in connection with the project, these transactions may be handled at the permit counter.
  • Sewer Permits
    An S Permit is needed to construct, alter, repair or perform maintenance to any house connection sewer, bonded house connection sewer, special house connection sewer, industrial waste sewer connection, industrial waste storm drain connection, storm drain connection, or special drainage connection, or any portion of any such sewer or storm drain connections
  • Construction (A) Permits
    A-Permit is to allow minor street construction in the public right-of-way. The public ROW generally consists of street easements that contain City streets, lanes, alleys, parkways, and sidewalks.
  • Other Permits
  • LAFD Fire Prevention Permits, Applications, Forms and Information
    Access the Los Angeles Fire Department permit applications and information for Division 5, Construction Services, Hydrants and Access, Underground Storage Tanks, C.U.P.A., Chief Regulation Number 4, and CaLARP.
  • Environmental Permits and Regulations
    Learn the ABC's of environmental permit compliance and hazardous waste management.
  • Solid Waste Facility Permits
    The LEA conducts permitting, inspection and enforcement of solid waste regulations at all landfills, transfer stations, composting facilities and waste collection vehicle yards within the City.
  • Online Tree Trimming Permits
    Online Application for TREE TRIMMING PERMITS.
  • Online Overload Permit
    Online Application for OVERLOAD PERMITS.
  • Online Banner Permit
    Online Application for BANNER PERMITS.

City of Los Angeles Charter, City Code

City of Los Angeles Transportation

City of Los Angeles Contacts

Within the City of Los Angeles: Dial 3-1-1
Outside the greater Los Angeles area: Dial 213.473.3231
For the hearing impaired: Dial TDD Number 213.473.5990
Email us at: 311@lacity.org

For Specific Services

Search the Citywide Services Directory (CSD) by keyword or phrase to find a service and the corresponding contact information.

For Departments and Elected Official Offices

Visit CityFone to find the public phone directories of City Departments and Elected Official Offices.
Or, go to the available online contact/comment forms of City Departments and Elected Official Offices:

For City Hall and Neighborhood City Halls

City Hall

San Fernando Valley
200 North Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 485-2121

Van Nuys Civic Center
14410 Sylvan Street
Van Nuys, CA 91401
(818) 756-8121

San Pedro Westside
San Pedro Municipal Building
638 South Beacon Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 548-7721

West Los Angeles Municipal Building
1828  Sawtelle  Bl 
Rm 102 
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 575 - 8888