Search the Sex Offender Registry

In order to identify any criminals in your neighborhood you can search the latest information from all 50 states and the District of Columbia and identity and location of known sex offenders. You can also search registry websites maintained by individual states by clicking the list below.

It is always good to once in a while check and see who lives around you in the same apartment building, on the same street or near you in your neighborhood. The world is a big place with all kind of people. You might feel safer if you are aware and alert. Sex offender registries usually provide you with a list of sex offenders and include photos locations and type offenses commited. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Protect yourself and your family members from any kind of suspicious activity. There are also services where you can buy monitoring reports for neighborhood watch which periodically send emails and reports as to any changes and activities concerned with sex offenders in your ZIP code. These services could be free or for a small fee and include similar information as to location and picture of offenders.

Nationwide Registry

Sex Offender Registry by State